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Agi Modern Art
Original Paintings On Canvas
All Available Paintings
All paintings that are available to purchase are updated every day, so if you do not see the piece you like, it means the piece has been sold.
You still can get the piece you like, even if it was sold.
The similar but not identical art painting can be created.
You can choose the size and colors for custom made pieces or they can be created just similar to the original image.
All my available and sold pieces can be custom made.
For all details about custom orders please go to Gallery and click on Custom Orders.
Click on each image to see more details
"At the Beach"
size 24"x 30"
"Shades of Blue and White"
size 16"x 20"
"Crowded City"
size 16"x 20"
"Hot City"
size 16"x 20"
"Snowy Forest" - part 1
size 16"x 20"
"Endless Peace"
size 16"x 20"
"Bouquet of Flowers"
size 24"x 30"
"Shades of Blue and White part 2"
size 16"x 20"
"Blossoming Tree"
size 16"x 20"
"Morning Joy"
size 24"x 30"
"Snowy Forest" - part 2
size 16"x 20"
"Stormy Moments"
size 18"x 24"
"Sunset Wish"
size 16"x 20"
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